Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome to Destination Designs

Hello, hello!

I initially started this blog as a means to show off to my friends. Later, I started sending this out with my resumes. So I figured its time to tone down my meaningless rambles and get serious. First things first.
I am a copywriter/designer. Well I guess more of a copywriter because I was legally employed as a copywriter for a whole year in an office. Designing is more of a passion. Just like photography. And sketching. So basically, I'm this confused girl who likes a whole lot of stuff and not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be focusing on. I adore cooking too so sometimes I think that's my calling. And I'm good with kids (until they piss me off) so I consider teaching as another option.  Okay, I'm rambling like I said I wouldn't. The work put up here are in no particular order. Some of them are various options done for clients that I freelance for. Some of them are an outcome of a random idea that comes up once in a while.

Anyway, look around and see for yourself. Leave a comment if you can. Or else just offer me a job. Whatever floats your boat. :) 

If you think my designs suck, go through my other blog. Its more of a personal blog where I get to ramble on and on to my heart's content.

If you think my writing sucks as well, check out few of my clicks at.

If you think that sucks as well... umm.. I don't know.. try googling "Things that do not suck".
Thanks a ton! :-)

Saturday, January 16, 2010


These are a bunch of works I tried after I started working. None of these works were used cos well they art work isn't exactly very professional looking. Maybe i could be like an idea generator or something. Anyways, I spend coupla nites on these anyhow. Hope yal like em. :-)
The following are a sort of brochure I worked on for the ad agency that I work for. which I again never gave in.  I never really got down to the copy part. Each picture represent the topic that it talks bout. I'm rather proud of this work of mine. :-)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Random Ramblings

 Just playing with Photoshop. Been studyin it.. as in like properly in a class for years now but, heck, U can never really get it all the way,can ya? There's always something that makes u go - Hey, I did'nt know I could do that! of the mysteries of life.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Its All Bout the Service

I like public service ads. I loveee looking at them in ad books. It just gets better n better. These r pretty lame. I like the video ads i made for public service a coupla years back for a college project.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Greetings Earthlings!

I started making handmade greeting cards a long time ago. My dad even used to pay me during Christmas time to make cards for relatives. 10 bucks per card. And I gotta say. They were pretty damn good then. Way more better than this one. Cos those were hand-made. This one is Photoshop-made. This was a favor to a friend. He didn't like this one. :-(

This is like the dummy version of the one that he approved. Its not as good as the original but yeah well... you gotta do wat the client asks u to do.

These bunch were done for a cousin of mine who wanted an e-invite for him wedding.. and was crazy enough to give me the job. Well, after being bombarded with options, i think he chose the first and third one. Not sure. One of my friends said they don't look exactly look weddingy... but u ve got the whole wedding to look all weddingy.. why not have a non-weddingy cool e-invite atleast, ya?

This is a random wedding card created for noone in particular.. was jobless.. and was tryin to create a simple non- loud wedding card...Hey u never know. I mite even use this for my own wedding.. naaah.. I'm just gonna send out a messenger elf who hands out free lollypops!

Another favour for a friend. This one is the rejected one.
And this is the accepted one. He wanted as simple as possible. And its a proper South Indian wedding. Hence the banana leaves.

These are the onam cards I did for Haritha Homes. The first one is the approved one. Went a little crazy trying to come up with one that was decent.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

CV Crazy

This happen when I went mad making cvs. Started off with a plain normal one n then decided to go the wild way.

ok this last one is not mine, obviously.. did this for a friend who is a movie buff.. n thus the film reel n all.. if u want me to prep up ur cv, do lemme know.. except it wunt b free... unless u say nice stuff bout me n my work.. :-)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

College Filez

This is the work I did for a project in college I think during 3rd sem. We had to come up with a product and give it a name and create everything required for it..except for the actually product. As in my product was instant apart from the tea powder, made everythin else. :-) I could'nt find the original files so i scanned everythin back in from my record.

Company Logo
Its a company that produces tea, coffee and flavoured milk.

My product logo. On the Go. Instant tea. Its purple cos I was sick of the trademark tea colors. Like brown n red n orange. Besides my target was young working class. So needed a fresh funky look.
Visiting card. Marketing Manager. Ha!
Letter head. Pretty simple. and the whole word Relish was supposed to be visible. Slightly only though. :-(
                                                           Company Brochure
This is the pull-outs of the different products that Relish has to offer. Kaapi, On the Go and Slurpee.
Product Flier. You should read the flavours me and my friends came up with it. I mean banana tea? Lol.

Package Design. I spend a lotta sleepless nights thinking bout this one. I want to make one in the shape of a tea cup. Cud'nt quite design it. So went with this tissue box kinda idea. You pull out ur tea bags from the slit just like u pull out tissues. Its all bout saving time. The actual container is supposed to look like this :
Print ad for Product. I dunno from where this idea came up. I guess I saw the superman cup and it clicked.
I kinda like this one. I'm not sure if everyone'll get it though. which is kinda sad. The Company print ad.
Company Newsletter. This is just the first page. It has a total of 8 pages. And I was running a lil late so I remember doin this one in like an hour or so.
Window newspaper. Do people actually still use window newspapers?