Friday, January 23, 2009

College Filez 2

My first Magazine design. It had nothing to do with my product but somehow i was getting attached to the colour. Oh the people on top..they're my friends. God, those were the fun days. :-)

My tabloid newspaper. I am so totally proud of this one. Its not split at the middle like it seems. It wud'nt fit into the scanner as a whole so had to scan it in two parts. Thinking of a name for the tabloid was like a brain-wrecking task.

And this is the last page. Oops..did'nt realise the split in the middle was so evident. Hmm, I didn't put in the 2 middle pages cos it was gettin quite tiresome after having scanned 6 billion pages. Anywayz, I loove those comic strips. And no tabloid is complete without

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